Verballis Translations - What Does it Cost?
It will not cost as much as you think! So look at this scenario, you're a creator who makes and sells clothing from a small shop. Business is steady, but you know it could be better and so you decide to promote your clothing by advertising your products on the SL classifieds. Normally you'd only advertise in English and then compete for attention with all the others jostling for prime position within the English speaking customer base. If this is your plan then your missing one huge opportunity, you are neglecting over half of Second Life who do not use English as a first language.
So what should you do? Easy offer your products for sale in English and the other major SL languages. When using SL search non English speaking customers will search for familiar terms in their language and not the English equivalent. These customers should be aware of your products and by describing your products or services in their language will open doors to other markets.
Back to our scenario our store keeper takes our advice and decides to translate and advertise its products in 6 different languages. The classified advert is 40 words, which results in total expenditure of only L$600, that's only L$100 per language. Merchants, service providers and sim owners sit up and take notice, there are opportunities out there which are blissfully being ignored. The solution is simple, send your requirement by email to or IM Cayman Beaumont in world, you will receive a polite, prompt and professional service.
This doesn't just work on classifieds, why not translate your products, notecards, instructions or your adverts on SL Exchange to attract a huge untapped market. Don't be left behind, explore the benefits of multilingual advertising today.
Verballis Translation Services – Words Across Worlds
Η Verballis Translation Services είναι μια υπηρεσία μεταφράσεων με βάση το Second Life που προσφέρει μεταφράσεις απο τα Ελληνικά στα Αγγλικά, Γερμανικά, Γαλλικά, Ιαπωνικά και πολλές άλλες γλώσσες. Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο ή επισκευτείτε το για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες και τυχόν απορίες.
Verballis Translation Services - Λέξεις πέρα απο τους κόσμους
Verballis Çeviri Hizmetleri, Türkçeden İngilizce, Almanca, Fransızca, Japonca ve daha birçok dile çeviri hizmeti sunan bir Second Life firmasıdır. Daha fazla bilgi veya çeviriler için adresiyle irtibata geçebilir, veya adresine bakabilirsiniz.
Verballis Çeviri Hizmetleri - Kelimeler Dünyaları Bağlar.
Servicios de Traducción Verballis es una compañía en Second Life que ofrece tradución de Español a Inglés, Alemán, Francés, Japonés y muchos otros idiomas. Por favor contacta con ó en la página: para más detalles e información.
Servicios de Traducción Verballis-Palabras a través de Mundos.
Verballis Translation Services Second Life é uma empresa que oferece tradução em muitas linguas, tais como tradução de Português para Inglês, espanhol, japonês entre outras. Entre em contacto com ou entre no seguinte site: para mais informações e uma oferta de preço. Verballis Translation Services - Palavras em todos os mundos
Verballis Translation Services ist ein Übersetzungsservice in Second Life. Wir bieten Ihnen Übersetzungen von Englisch zu Deutsch, Spanisch, Japanisch und viele andere Sprachen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie oder besuchen Sie unsere Internetseiten unter für weitere Informationen über uns und unseren Service
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